Identify quick wins to turbo charge your productivity.


Are you constantly on a treadmill unable to take a breath?

Are you frustrated that despite knowing you could be more productive, getting there seems impossible?

What if you had a list of quick wins ready to put into practice, safe in the knowledge that the first one will make all of the others easier?

When we are running a small business, juggling multiple roles, it can be hard to find the space to improve ways of working. How do we know where to concentrate our efforts? Do we improve our processes, work on our branding/marketing, invest in new technology, or train our people? Which one of these is going to help us get things under control the fastest?

All too often retailers and manufacturers have a long list of projects they want to embark upon, and limited time or money to do so. Often the biggest gains can be found through multiple small tweaks, rather than one big project that might not get completed.

Amanda’s Chaos Audit helps you to identify the quick wins that will put you on track. Through analysis of your current operations, a deep dive into your current ways of working and an understanding of what you’d like to achieve, Amanda can help you clarify your top priorities and ultimately work with you to help you deliver them.

The programme includes:

  • Facilitated conversations with you and up to two key people about how your business works today, and your aspirations for the future;

  • Analysis of existing financial and operational metrics;

  • Verbal or written report to summarise a range of quick wins.

Amanda has the ability to understand the mechanics of a business quickly and totally. She is able to review and process information rapidly and come back almost instantly with cogent, valued feedback. She becomes part of the team very quickly.
— P.N. Group technical director, frankham


Talk to Amanda about running a Chaos Audit in your organisation.